Saturday, 23 March 2013

Orthodontic treatment - second adjustment

Already I'm feeling an old hand at this brace malarkey.  I've had them for almost three months and apart from the wire pokeing out of the lower buccal tubes and a small amount of discomfort when eating I've had practically no trouble with them.  At Christmas the 15-18 month treatment estimate seemed like a lifetime but now its feeling more manageable.

Middle of March and its time for my second adjustment.  Its fairly routine.  Quick check on how its going, inspection and then a change of wires.  I've gone up to a 16/22 Niti on the top as its apparently time to start opening out the top arch and and 0.016 Niti on the bottom as they are pretty straight now.  Power chain LL7-7 to pull the lower teeth back and close the extraction gaps now that the lower canines are standing up.

Two things are noticable from the latest photos.  The first is that my upper arch seems a lot flatter on the right (left as you look at the picture).  I must check with Darren why this is but it might be as a result of me face-planting the Mendips as this is the side that took the brunt of my landing.

Secondly, the obvious gap between top and bottom arches.  You migth assume that this is jsut the way I'm smiling, slightly open mouthed, but actually this is currently as close as I can get my front teeth.  My rear molars are clamped tight together.  Darren tells me that the L7s on both sides (molar before your wisdon teeth) have tipped up slightly due to the previous power chain pulling on them to straighten the canines.  Its likely that next visit he will have to bond up my L8s (wisdom teeth) in order to straighten this out.

It makes biting anything very difficult and so eating in public somthing to be avoided unless I can use a knife and fork.

My molars were quite sore for a few days after the appointment but all back to normal now.

If you missed my last instalment you can read it here.  Orthodontic Treatment - first adjustment

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